About Highland High School
Highland High School is a public high school with approximately 1600 students. The school first opened its doors in 1963. We offer Advanced Placement classes in the following areas: Art, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, English, Government, History, Physics, and World History. Highland also offers multiple dual-enrollment courses in all Idaho Higher Education GEM categories. Easty year approximately half of our upperclassmen participated in dual enrollment classes with a 99% pass rate. We also offer a wide variety of Career Technical courses and programs. Approximately 2/3 of our students participated in CTE classes with a pass rate of 97%. Our ACT and SAT average scores exceed both our district and state scores.
Highland provides well rounded extra-curricular programs that have a long history of state and national placements. Our Athletic programs consistently earn Academic State Championship awards. These achievements illustrate that our RAMS strive for excellence as they implement the Highland motto "Right Attitude Means Success" as well as our Ram Attitudes: Responsibility & Respect, Accountability & Preparation, Motivation & Focus, and Spirit & Scholarship.
Counselors: (assigned alphabetically by last name)
Tami Romriell (A-D) romrieta@sd25.us
Christa Santo-Smith (E-K) sanstoch@sd25.us
Cali Baker (L-R) bakerc1@sd25.us
Tricia Harvala (S-Z) harvaltr@sd25.us